Our work with children |
Our work with artists |
Shows in 2024 |
ThinkArts at Serendipity Arts Festival 2024 |
A big thank you to our collaborators and supporters in 2024.
Aha Theatre for Children, Bangalore - Arthshila Ahmedabad - Asialink Regional // Regional Program - Cie Chamarbellclochette & Company Mafalda, Switzerland - CPB Foundation, Chennai - Delhi Public School, Ludhiana - Ek Tara, Kolkata - Goethe-Insitut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata, Mumbai & Pune - Gŵyl Agor Drysau / Opening Doors Festival, Wales - Nirmal Bhartia School, Delhi - Outback Theatre for Young People, Australia - Padatik Theatre, Kolkata - Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council, New Delhi - Rajasthan International Centre, Jaipur - Ranga Shankara, Bangalore -Serendipity Arts Festival, Goa - The Embassy of Switzerland in India - Young at Art Festival, Northern Ireland - Zapurza Museum of Art and Culture, Pune